Dubai Lynx

The Innocent Truth

IMPACT BBDO, Beirut / ANNAHAR / 2022

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For decades, Lebanon’s ruling authorities refused to point fingers at those behind political assassinations and crimes of great magnitude in an effort to protect themselves. Even when the identity of those behind such crimes was obvious to the Lebanese public, no indictments against anyone was ever issued and no one was convicted for the August 4th explosion. Human Rights Watch accused local authorities of failing to hold those responsible for the explosion to account.

On the first anniversary of the explosion, we decided to partner up with Annahar, the nation's leading newspaper to take a stand and challenge the official government line regarding the biggest crime to date.

Annahar, has a long history of standing with the Lebanese people in the face of adversary. The paper decided that action needed to be taken to shock a growingly apathetic nation into demanding that the truth behind the blast sees the light.


With a nation fed up with weak and hard to swallow government excuses plastered across pro-government media channels for years. We decided to mark the blast’s first anniversary by dedicating an entire newspaper edition to children. After all, they are neutral and unbiased by nature, unlike most adults affiliated to political parties. A journalistic first, where the children, who were the most effected, were finally given an editorial role to document and illustrate their dark stories in an attempt to get the innocent truth out of their mouth.


The role of any respectable newspaper is to always shed light on the truth, but in Lebanon politicians are constantly obstructing it.

To challenge the ruling authorities’ stance and narrative around the explosion and stay true to our quest for the truth, we decided to ignore the spin coming from an “adult” government and tap an alternative source, the children.

The toll on the children was heavy: 1,000 injured, 3 dead and 80,000 left without a home and above all, half a million children still suffer from anxiety, depression and PTSD.

They were the ones who witnessed the explosion firsthand. An innocent and spontaneous segment of society that speaks without any filters or scripts, were chosen to be the voice of the people and the newspaper by putting pressure on the government, raising the voice of an entire country being held hostage and attracting the attention of the international community.


After more than 89 years in circulation, Annahar, released The Innocent Truth edition on the first anniversary of the August 4th blast. The special edition was to look like an illustrated children’s story book, but with a dark and morose feel reflecting the magnitude of the catastrophic event. 7 brutal truths came directly from their testimonials, and one filled out by the public in a dedicated blank section, which they also placed on placards and carried during the demonstrations, sending a bold and direct message to the government.

The illustrations were animated and posted on outdoors across the city, inviting the public to engage with the campaign online and express their sentiments and points of view. A video was also produced and included painful testimonials by the children, each one narrating their terrible experience and inviting the citizens to share their own truth.


As a result, several prominent politicians, including the prime minister were called in for questioning by the Beirut Criminal court, an unprecedented move by the government. Through the Innocent Truth edition, the children stood against the authorities and shook up their investigation, rallying a nation behind the search for the truth.

The campaign represented a much-needed healing process for the children. The nation at large read the newspaper and interacted with our online content, which resulted in massive demonstrations. Whether in terms of interactions, likes or comments, for the newspaper it was considered the most engaging online campaign, for the citizens, it provided a much-needed ray of hope on this black day.

The activation became the number one trending topic on social media flooding the country with alternative truths. International media, politicians and celebrities took notice propelling Lebanon’s political crisis into the global spotlight. Something the politicians couldn't ignore.

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