Cannes Lions

The Loser Symphony

SMFB, Oslo / VG / 2017


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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MP3 Original Language
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The solution was a new kind of football song. We call it ”The Loser symphony”, and it´s the worst piece of music ever created by humans, carefully composed over 6 weeks by music professors, and the lyrics humiliates the Norwegian team in nasty terms.

The idea was to make a public threat towards the players: Win against Iceland, or The Looser´s Symphony will be performed on the Stadium after the match, and made public.

The Norwegian football association granted us access to influence the team during the whole process.

And a few days before the match The Loser Symphony was complete and printed in one single copy.


The whole production process was documented all the way from the planning and preparations, all the way to the actual game, and episodes were edited and broadcasted in VG´s own channels with a very substantial coverage, since VG is Norway´s largest newspaper and Web-TV platform. We made one Web-TV episode each week for three weeks building up to the game against Iceland, featuring a famous Norwegian talk show host, and a professor of music.

We also used banner, Facebook posts and PR.


1,5 million viewers per episode. (Remember Norway is a small country:)

Clickrate 17,34 %. (Benchmark is 1,8 - 2,8)

Increased liking 9 % among non football fans below 35.

Creating fear in the Icelandic team, because of media coverage in major Icelandic channels.

And the most important result of all: Winning 3-2 against Iceland.

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2022, VG

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