Cannes Lions

The Melons

ABBOTT, Chicago / ABBOTT / 2023

Demo Film
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This concussion awareness initiative results from a partnership between health technology company, Abbott, and the non-profit, Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA). Together we formed a coalition called Concussion Awareness Now, comprised of nearly 20 advocacy groups. Research showed that over half of all concussions are ignored today, putting people at serious and avoidable risk of long-term damage. The two main reasons people ignore them are misconceptions about concussions and an "I'll be fine" mentality regarding head injuries. For example, 84% of people believe concussions only happen to athletes or in major traffic accidents, when in fact, the leading cause is simple, everyday slips and falls. The key communication objective was to create a memorable way to raise awareness around the truth about concussions and convince people to take action and seek medical attention after they have sustained one.


The Melons are a typical family. Well, other than the fact that their heads are giant Melons! When they bump their melons, they blow it off, like most people do. That’s the problem these animated characters were intended to highlight.

The Melons were created using a unique process of CG animation, combined with props, textures and lighting from the real world. The characters' visual uniqueness was enhanced by not having mouths. This placed the burden of emotional expression entirely on their eyes. The environments they inhabit are based on reality and designed to be soothingly familiar– all to enhance the surprise when their melons collide!

Each character has a unique personality to make their story memorable. And while the Melon Family spans three generations, stubbornness is a shared family trait. Voice casting complimented physical details to bring to life humorously obstinate characters that are still lovable.


Over half of concussions are ignored. Our biggest challenge was finding a way to motivate behavior change across multiple generations. The use of animation and insights-based stories of the real everyday ways concussions happen, and the behavior driving us to ignore them, resulted in a lighthearted and relatable message that held a mirror up to our own behavior.

The campaign ranked in the top 5% amongst in-market creative, for its ability change ingoing behavior, validated by Ipsos. After seeing the PSA, over 90% of people said they were more likely to get a head injury checked and take concussions more seriously. Tens of thousands have gone to the Concussion Awareness Now educational website to learn more about the risks, symptoms and what to do.

The Concussion Awareness Now campaign, including the Melon Family, have already resulted in 1.3 billion media impressions and over 50 million video views.

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