Cannes Lions


VCCP, London / AEG / 2015

Presentation Image
Supporting Images






There were two clear contributions to our approach:

1. The O2 is a curious shape and, to date, we’d always viewed it in profile. However, when viewed in plan you appreciate, firstly, how largely it actually is and, secondly, that its experiences radiate from the centre outwards.

2. We spent time looking at footfall and customer movement throughout the building and, when viewed over time, we realised that The O2 came alive with energy and interaction in different areas at different times. The stream of gig-goers on the way in, the surge to the Arena when the music starts, the scattering for food, and so on.

Based on this, we created an entirely new look and feel that takes the energy created in The O2 and quite literally visualises it across the venue using a graphical light treatment. As the O2 radiated, so did our branding.

The new design was applied across the venue including sub-brands and partner branding, in addition to all customer touch points from web, to internal broadcast network and way finding.


The impact of the redesign was multifaceted:

1. It provided a new, practical way-finding system to help manage customer flow in the venue

2. Aesthetically speaking, it brought uniformity and tied up all of the design loose ends that an evolving venue with multiple partners brings

3. It provided the impetus to refresh further customer touchpoints such as the app and website

4. It created a series of desirable assets that many artists and temporary partners actively chose to use

5. It gave The O2 greater presence when pitching for budget from AEG Global and helped attract further partners

6. From a strategic point of view, it initiated a new customer vision and journey to help improve service

More importantly, the redesign and the idea behind it brought unity and glue to the internal culture, reinvigorating what the brand stood for and helping it stand proud. ‘At The O2’ became a stamp of quality and pride that partners, staff and agencies aspired to knowing that the brand shone even brighter on the world entertainment stage.

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