Cannes Lions
SMFB, Oslo / FREIA / 2018
In order to prove our brand role as "the fighter of peoples quality time", we wanted to do something really close to the product. The yellow Freia Melkesjokolade package is one of Norways most iconic packages, but is still just a paper for protection and identification. What if we could make the package to mean something more?
The idea was to turn the inside of the pack into a new and unique boardgames. Including rules and plot. When spreadet out, the playing board was ready to use. People could use pieces of chocolate, either as game pieces.
A total of four unique games was developed to the campaign
The boardgames was made from scratch. From playing rules, story/premise, characters and design. The game had to fit a very limited surface regarding space, which made the job quiet challenging. All in all four unique boardgames was developed. We could only use one color due to factory policies. The Freia Melkesjokolade with boardgames wrapping was distributed to all grocery chains in Norway, covering the whole nation.
Right before the campaign launched, the Norwegian Government launched a surprising 83 % sugar tax, creating turmoil in the confectionery and snacks business. Despite the massive price increase as a result, the campaign help Freia Melkesjokolade tablets grow by an impressive 14.4 % in volume.
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