Cannes Lions

The Rap of Forgotten Words


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Case Film
Case Film
Case Film
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Faced with the alarming fact that young Spaniards use only 240 of the 94,000 words in the dictionary, Teide, a publisher committed to new educational methods, launched its direct campaign, "Rap of the #ForgottenWords." This educational rap contained 44 words in disuse, and listening to it contributed to a 18% increase in vocabulary for young people.

Music–specifically rap– was chosen as the way to familiarize them with the words, since its beats and rhymes make it a powerful tool for memorization. In addition, using this genre allowed us to link the words to the everyday lives of young people, helping them learn how to use them in their daily lives.

Along with the rap, an e-book of exercises was created in which the students could write their own rhymes using the words in question.


The rap was recorded with the help of a well-known YouTube personality. To help teach young people the meanings of the words and how to use them in everyday contexts, its lyrics defined the words in a playful tone, using themes related to their daily lives.

To reinforce the educational nature of the rap, the unfamiliar words appeared in alphabetical order. The video was taped at a secondary school with the YouTube personality and real students, and included subtitles to help young people learn the lyrics.

The song was uploaded to Spotify and the YouTube personality's channel, and circulated on social media and TV and radio shows, where the rapper performed it live on several occasions.

The e-book included various teaching exercises to aid learning of the rap.


The initiative reached 4,500 schools, impacting more than 300,000 students.

Thanks to the project's success, Teide is now an educational supplier to 61% of the secondary schools in Spain, a 20% increase over the 2014/2015 school year.

The video received more than 150,000 views in one day–as of today it has 500,000–and more than 200 media outlets shared the song, generating a total of €2,000,000 in earned media.

The YouTube personality made 12 live appearances on prime time programs, and the song was uploaded to Spotify. More than 40 students made their own version of the rap.

More than 100,000 students completed the exercises in the e-book, and their progress was followed. 70% of students passed the final exam covering the meaning of the words in the rap.

In addition, negotiations recently began with the Education Ministry to turn learning words in disuse into an official subject.

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