Cannes Lions
MORYA BRASIL - POA, Porto Alegre / RIO SUL / 2014
The winner sash was distributed in schools, at parks, and newspapers and magazines. To stimulate spontaneous media, we launched a competition to see which team had the most fans in the state. And so passion for football made everyone want to wear their seat belts and show others they were doing so. All the pictures shared online were posted on the campaign’s hotsite, which was constantly refreshed to update the competition. The final result was announced at the big rival’s game: Grêmio vs. Internacional. An enormous seat belt was placed at the stadium’s midfield in front of thousands of fans.
Thousands of pictures were posted on social media. Over ten million people were reached.
More than 40,000 winner sashes were distributed. Most of them are still inside the cars. This is a kind of media that can even save lives.
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