Cannes Lions

The Skippable Wishes

MARCEL, Paris / PUBLICIS / 2016

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Case Film
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By letting them skip it. Yes, while Internet users usually skip ads to watch content, Maurice Lévy offers them to skip his wishes to watch some ads instead. But… you never really skip Maurice. Mr. Lévy crashes into the ads and keeps on delivering his wishes in far more entertaining way.


An e-mail was sent on December 16th 2015 inviting viewers from all around the world to watch Maurice wishes on a dedicated website. After few seconds they were invited to skip Maurice Levy long boring speech to watch some ads. But… you never really skip Maurice. Mr. Lévy crashes into the ads and keeps on delivering his wishes in far more entertaining way.

Then, the wishes went viral and spread all across the globe on social networks, on TV, and in the business press.


More than 250 000 people watched the video that was broadcast and commented on in more than 176 countries on tv-shows, magazines and social media platforms .

But this year has been tough and, to make things even worse, Mr.Levy’s speech happens to air on the same day as one of the most exciting events of the decade: the launch of “Star Wars The Force Awakens”. The battle for digital attention was going to be tough. But people enjoyed skipping Maurice so much, that the hashtag TheSkippableWishes stayed for 7 hours and 5 minutes in Twitter’s Trending topics France – that’s 15 minutes more than #StarWarsTheForceAwakens the same day!

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