Cannes Lions
We decided that if parents were going to see Panadol differently, we needed to speak to them differently. So we planned to differentiate Children’s Panadol by engaging with parents on an emotional level. How? By not focusing on how the pain relief works but rather the great things that happen when the pain is gone.
We recognised that the one thing that unites parents is their desire to do anything to keep their kids happy and safe. In fact, all parents do things they never dreamt of doing, until they had children. Whether it’s climbing into their cot to help them sleep or dressing up like a fairy for their school play. We’ll do anything to keep them happy and safe. And it’s these very moments that we look back on, and reminisce over for years to come. These are the moments that matter.
Using the footage we found, we produced a 90 second mash up video called “The things we do for kids” and closed with the caption “You’ll do anything to keep your kids happy and safe, and so will we. Children’s Panadol - The things we do for kids”.
We redistributed the video on social platforms.
Then the public sent us their own photos and videos using Facebook. We also got mummy bloggers to push the video content to their communities for further engagement.
Furthermore, we partnered with radio talent and comedian, Hughesy, who created his own content with his family and then ran a promotion on his afternoon radio show, as well as on the station’s social page.
In the first 48 hours we received 2.3M views. By week two we had generated more than 7M views, 66K Facebook likes, 44K shares and 20K comments. Parents loved it. We saw a positive brand uplift of 31%.
Post campaign IPSOS results showed that Children’s Panadol had regained three percentage points as “mums’ first choice in pain relief” - increasing their lead over nearest competitor Nurofen who lost three percentage points. What a relief.
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