Cannes Lions

The Toast Oracle


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Case Film
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Task: Lidl wants to play an active role in the life of its customers through social media.


The most exciting question when it comes to soccer is: What will the results be? To answer this question beforehand we created an oracle predicting the end results by using Murphy's Law: The Toast Oracle! Each round we styled two toasts with food to represent a national team by matching the topping to the country's flag. Then letting the toasts compete against each other by dropping both of them at the same time and seeing which one hits the ground spreaded-side-up. If both happen to do so, the game ends in a draw. To create more engaging content, we shared the recipes from The Toast Oracle with our community so everyone could enjoy a fresh and healthy snack during the matches.


Lidl is a brand for everyone. Generation X, Y, Z – Lidl's got them all in his sights. All the harder it is to create engaging content that catches the heart of all these different mindsets. But luckily there is something that unites them all. Every two years soccer fans of Europe come together to cheer for their team, celebrate and cry together. So we decided to use the soccer world cup and cover one of the most engaging moments with our brand.


We created teaser GIFs and videos to let the community know there will be an extraordinary Lidl oracle for every game. With toasts-pictures for every team we awakened the curiosity of not only our community. Of cause took care to use country-specific products on our toasts to gain a lot of likes and shares. When the world championship finally started, things got serious: We shared our country-specific videos with the particular community. And because no one had expected the course of the World Cup to be the way it went, we had to produce the new assets with new Toastacles while the Cup was in full swing. In addition we created not only reaction gifs to engage with the community but also leveraged some characterizing moments of the World Cup (such as the sudden out of England) with real time content.

To reach our broad audience in real time we focused on the channel of their daily choice: Facebook.


Almost two thirds of the matches were predicted correctly. In total: 785 Toasts led to 32 Mio. views on Facebook and Instagram.

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