
The Unimaginable Return


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Following a 6-year journey building a reputation as a sustainability-oriented event, in 2022 Jardim Sonoro, an electronic music festival in Portugal, would make its comeback in a physical format after two years of pandemic.

But this was not only the year of the comeback. This edition had plenty of news to communicate. In a city that is becoming bigger, overcrowded, and attracting mass festivals and people from all over the world every year, Jardim Sonoro flourished with a new concept 'Blended with nature'. A more sustainability-oriented and greener brand in its identity and core, the festival camouflaged and merged deeper in nature, moving its roots to Monsanto, the lung of Lisbon, reconnecting the city and its people with nature, with its urban yet intimist and natural presence.

We had to imagine and deliver the campaign for this new Jardim Sonoro, taking these transformations and its reinforced concept into account.


After several years of creating disruptive campaigns for this client and with all the fresh and renewed approach for this year’s edition we knew we had to step up a notch and do something different. After the pandemic, sustainable and green positioning became a brighter reality on everyone and that was the path we had been walking for years. We had to go further and deeper. The new venue reinforced that demanding too. So, communication-wise and for every fan of this festival it became hard to predict and imagine how could Jardim Sonoro become even more sustainable and merged in nature humanly and rationally. So, we thought we could challenge the blooming AI technology to give it a try.


We challenged AI and its visual platform MidJourney to help us and imagine the visuals for this year’s lineup merged with nature.

The idea was to blend each artist with their most prominent nature resembles, so we tested and inserted keywords and prompts to direct the machine. The artist portraits were generated in Mid Journey from there we created the artists’ posters. Other than that, we left it all on AI’s hands and ‘imagination’.

Each poster resulted in outputs of surreal beauty and mysticism, proving us and the concept for the campaign right, ‘You can’t imagine Jardim Sonoro blended with nature’.

Then AI met the real world through posters, video and crossed borders contributing to a deeper debate on creativity.


- Sold out festival for the three days.

- A local festival with local communication launched its 2022 edition with a bang, and was talked all over the globe, hitting the headlines and taking some of the most renowned trend websites all over the world by storm for its pioneering approach.

- Jardim Sonoro helped and contributed to push the boundaries of creativity to a deeper debate and discussion.

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The Unimaginable Return


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