Cannes Lions

The Unstoppable Résumé


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95% of multinationals and 50% of SMB use dedicated software called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to select their candidates or automatically reject the résumé containing disease, inactivity or a blank period.

Cancer@Work, an association striving to conciliate work and cancer, wanted to find a way to overcome this discrimination, considering that cancer patients develop precious human qualities which could be turned into valuable skills for companies.

We had two objectives regarding this blank period the résumé: first, change the negative perception patients can have on themselves when it comes to talking about that period of their life. And, change the perception of weakness recruiters instinctively have when seeing a blank on a résumé.


We gave cancer patients the opportunity to create résumés via a dedicated platform by collecting data. On it, they can select the soft-skills they developed during their disease.

The soft-skills people can select were chosen according to the most relevant keywords searched by recruiters and also by collecting testimonies of former cancer patients about what soft-skills their disease brought them.

a personalized text telling their story and the soft-skills they developed while facing the disease is automatically generated and integrated into their résumé, written in white-on-white. Softwares used by companies will - for the first time - recognize the strength of cancer patients - and so recruiters will.


To produce the Unstoppable Résumé campaign, we first gathered the most relevant soft-skills searched by recruiters. Then we crossed them with former cancer patients testimonies from which we extracted the soft-skills they get while facing the disease. We created the third list: only skills that talk to both patients and recruiters.

We turned this data into a tool which helps former patients to pass through the recruitment software, considering that these ones automatically reject disease, inactivity or a blank period. The platform allowed them to turn a disadvantageous gap on their résumé into one of the best reasons to considerate them. Turn their personal story into a professional asset.


We turned these data informations into a tool which will help former cancer patients to pass through the recruitment softwares, considering that these ones automatically reject disease, inactivity or a blank period. The platform allowed them to turn the hardships they went through into an infinite strength. By filling the blank period on their résumés with all the most researched soft-skills, former cancer patients can now tell their stories and make it hearable by recruiters.

The Cancer@Work association already has a large community of members, patients and former patients. First, we capitalized on this very active audience to launch the campaign. Second, we launched the campaign in the middle of cancer control week to maximize the chances of getting coverage in the mainstream media.


For the first time, recruiters and companies were able to really face what cancer patients went through.

The Unstoppable Résumé changed the way recruiters consider cancer patients and their skills by generating more than 80 million impressions thanks to the media that relayed the campaign. Among them, traditional and professional medias, as well as a famous French TV show called "Le magazine de la santé". More than 10 000 résumés have been generated in 37 countries around the world. Major recruiters from multinationals also greeted the campaign on Twitter.

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