Cannes Lions


LOOK AT ME, Moscow / THE VILLAGE / 2012


1 Gold Cannes Lions
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'Douche parking' is a huge city problem in Russia. There're not many places to park but also there're people who just don't care about others. Online city newspaper, The, has decided to help people make such behaviour socially unacceptable using digital media.

We've created a free app. It allows people to take pictures of wrongly parked cars, and save the car number, type (e.g. crossover) and colour. This data is streamed live to special banner ads that are targeted through IP address to locations where these cars were parked.

These banners work as pop-ups where you see a car with a number 'parked' on an article you're reading. When you hover over the banner it lets you know that this car is annoying people in a certain street in the city right now just like it's doing on the site.

The user was motivated to share the picture of the 'parking douche' in social media to close the banner.

Because of the IP address/location targeting, lots of people saw themselves, their neighbours/colleagues or the 'douches' they saw and hated for a long time. That made them care and share the project information, and others were left feeling ashamed.


We've created a free app. It takes pictures of wrongly parked cars, saves the car number, type (e.g. crossover) and colour.

This data is streamed live to special banner ads that are targeted through IP address to locations where these cars were parked.

These banners work as pop-ups - you see a car with a number 'parked' on an article you read. When you hover the banner it lets you know that this car annoys people in certain street in the city right now just like it does on this site. A user was motivated to share the picture of the 'parking douche' in social media to close the banner.


Due to IP address and location targeting lots of people saw themselves, their neighbours and colleagues or the 'douches' they saw and hated for a long time. That made ones to care and share the project information and the others to be ashamed. Many people become 'parking douche' activists and downloaded the app while 'douche parking' have successfully started to become something to be ashamed of.

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