Cannes Lions

The Yellow Bus Project

HUNGRY MAN, Los Angeles / CHANGE THE REF / 2023

Demo Film
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The brief was simple, with these challenges:

- How do we spark a national conversation on children being the biggest victims of gun violence in America?

- How do we drive national attention to the real cause of gun violence – politicians who continue to pass pro-gun laws?

- How do we create a mountain of pressure on politicians publicly?

Pro-gun laws have been increasing in the US. In 2023 alone, 9000 people already died due to guns. Mass shootings have become the norm. Laws that allow the use of automatic rifles and no background checks have amplified gun violence in the U.S.

4368 children had died due to gun violence in the U.S. in just one year. Enough to fill up 52 school buses. That became the foundation of our idea. We needed to immediately put the attention of the country towards the politician most funded by pro-gun groups.


The Yellow Bus Project’s goal was to give a visual representation of children that had

been lost to recent gun violence. Totaling over 4000, It took 52 empty buses to represent those children lost.

In one bus we built a museum of artifacts from some of these children. Creating The

NRA Children’s Museum. The buses needed to be dressed to look like a funeral procession, with bunting, wreathes, and custom graphics from recent community shootings. The buses were staged and dressed over 2 days in 100° temperatures at a racetrack in Baytown Texas.

No venues in Houston would assist on this project. Production approached the Houston police for escorts - but were denied. This meant transporting a mile long convoy 30 miles without police support. Production captured video on cell phones, studio cameras, drones and GoPros.

The NRA children’s museum is the largest anti-gun installation ever undertaken in


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