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The brief was to create change. Collaboration through the line with Greenpeace – an NGO normally feared by consumer brands – meant that the technical response was independently credible and would stand out from the tide of greenwash that had to date characterised most supermarket announcements on packaging.

The creative response was led by an exclusive with the Daily Mail – the UK’s most influential consumer newspaper brand, with one of the media world’s most powerful online platforms – that had been campaigning on single-use plastics.

Careful choreography, timing and sequencing of the announcement meant that its impact was maximising; creating a news moment that drew plaudits from the Prime Minister at her weekly Parliamentary Question Time, and from 200 MPs from all parties who called on the entire sector to follow Iceland’s example.


From a survey of 5,000 UK consumers, it emerged that 81% of people would support the pledge.

After a series of intense meetings, the campaign was aligned with Greenpeace, with Executive Director John Sauven so engaged that he agreed to go on the record in support and ensured the details were shared with the movement’s bank of key influencers.

Pre-briefing ahead of Theresa May’s 11 January call for action within 25 years secured Government support for Iceland’s commitments. Iceland launched the following Tuesday, saying it would deliver plastic-free across its own-label products in five.

The comprehensive press, broadcast and digital media campaign included three far-reaching, earned exclusives; the Daily Mail, key television show, ITV’s Good Morning Britain and the highly influential Radio 4 show, the Today Programme.

Other outputs included a robust, environmentalist-focused influencer programme, briefing activity for Iceland suppliers, content for social and weekend national press ad placement.


The campaign made this critical, anti-plastic move more than just a news story; the result was a cultural and political milestone. Coverage across the UK media was quickly followed by real change:

-in the supermarket sector, action announced by Asda and Waitrose

-in the supply chain including switches in capital investment

-in iconic UK institutions, including the Royal Family, the BBC and the Church of England; in their policies and practices.

Public support secured from Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the UK Department for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Theresa May during Prime Minister’s Questions. Since the announcement, 200 Members of Parliament have lobbied for all other supermarkets to collaborate and join Iceland’s pledge.

A negative issue for Iceland was transformed into an opportunity to enhance its ethical credentials. Within a few days of the announcement, research showed that the number of people who viewed Iceland as the most environmentally friendly retailer rose from 3% to 15.2% (highest in sector).

Coverage – all earned:

-Daily Mail front page and inside article; 1.4M reach

-Prime time interviews with Iceland spokespeople on: Radio 4’s the Today Programme (11.2M); BBC Breakfast (2.2M); Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan (2.5M)

-Announcement aired by 62 broadcast shows (118.9M reach) and 250 radio shows covered the story (167.5M listeners), 27 including interviews with Iceland’s leadership

-156 pieces of press coverage, including every national newspaper (181.7M OTS) and 314 pieces of online coverage

-International: CNN Money, Euronews, BBC World Service, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

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1 Cannes Lions Award




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