Cannes Lions
From info-graphics to info-experiences
We transformed the means of utilizing data from info-graphics, which are enjoyed visually, to info-experiences, which are enjoyed as personal experiences. And since we used neither single-source data nor statistical data, but instead both diverse social data and dynamic data, to create customized experiences for each person, we were able to invoke very powerful impressions among the target.
Trend Coaster became an extremely popular attraction, with people waiting for up to 2 hours to ride. There were 37,971 ride experiences. It also generated more than four million dollars in free media publicity. We received requests to exhibit the Trend Coaster from many conferences as well as amusement parks. It is now installed at the entrance of Yahoo! Japan’s headquarters, and there is still an endless number of industry people who want to take a ride. The power of the Internet has evolved the way of enjoying attractions.
We developed the Trend Coaster — an attraction that lets users ride the waves of trends on the Internet — and installed it at amusement parks around Tokyo. The Trend Coaster consists of an Oculus headset and driving simulator to create a data-driven roller-coaster that people can ride.
1. Transforms real-time social media data into a 3D roller-coaster space
We made full use of real-time social media data. We transformed line graphs of the number of tweets into a fun roller-coaster.
2. Calculates tilt and speed data from the roller-coaster
We calculated the speed and incline of the roller-coaster from the line graph data. With this data, the machine works out various parameters, such as the tilt to give to the ride simulator and the air blown and vibrations to give a sense of the roller-coaster’s speed. It even creates water splashes at the bottoms of the trend graph.
3. Utilizes data from Yahoo! News articles, Yahoo! image searches, and tweets
At the same time, news articles and images matching the chosen keyword are displayed. Even the colors in the roller-coaster’s world are matched to the chosen keyword by extracting colors from image searches. With all this information, the rider is able to make sense of why the keyword creates the roller-coaster’s ups and downs.
4. All the gathered real-time data are used to create a customized data experience for each person
All the various trend data extracted from Yahoo! create an overwhelming trend experience. Because the parameters are generated in real time for each keyword, the same roller-coaster ride is never created twice. It’s a roller-coaster personalized to each person’s interests.
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