Cannes Lions
JUNGLE MEDIA, Toronto / NHL / 2014
We partnered with Twitter to buy the Promoted Trend across Canada for the full 24hr period the day the NHL playoffs started. The innovative portion was negotiating the ability to change that Promoted Trend from #TrendYourNHLTeam, to the winning team’s Hashtag at 3pm. That new hashtag would then be seen by all Canadians as an announcement of the winning team.
Promoted Tweets were also purchased throughout the day to add fuel to the fire and get fans focused on winning the Promoted Trend for their team.
The execution whipped fans into a frenzy. The community was begging for retweets and spamming their friends trying to get their team to the top Promoted Trend spot.
The Montreal Canadian’s fans went the furthest and got the official team account involved and a local radio station, thus winning the trend for the rest of the day.
The result was 52m related hashtag impressions across the globe and 5x the average engagement rate for a Promoted Trend.
Once the trend was changed to #goNHLHabs, opposing fans groaned, but the celebration in Montreal went on for days into the playoffs.
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