Cannes Lions

Unlock +

WIEDEN + KENNEDY, Sao Paulo / NIKE / 2017

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Case Film
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Rio 2016 had a different meaning for Brazilian youth than it had for anyone else. It was the time when they had more things to post, share, “like” and watch. It was the time they had more internet data to consume. But, the reality is that Brazilians go without mobile internet access for 10 days every month (Teleco)

We wanted to inspire them to run with Nike+ app and to have the best Olympics experience they could. Thinking about this we created “Nike Unlock +”: a simple way to make sports more democratic and accessible, turning the activity on Nike+ into the most valuable currency to young people: data.

Through a partnership with all cellphone carriers in Brazil, we provided free mobile data every time they broke their personal records on Nike+. The more people overcame their limits, more data they got and more accessible the Olympic Games experience became.


The Unlock+ project run from 08.07 to 08.31 and it had to be as effective as Nike’s global Olympics campaign, with a much smaller budget. For this reason, we did an assertive media planning, starting it three days after the global campaign, taking advantage of the first days impacts to retarget that audience.

We started introducing the digital film through channels and formats that combined views with link page ads/app downloads, such as “native video app” on Yahoo; “trueview + app promotion” on Youtube; “promoted tweet + app install” on Twitter; “video + app install” and “video link ad” on Facebook/Instagram.

To make people register their numbers on the platform, we planned conversion formats, such as “carrousel” and “canvas” on Facebook/Instagram; “GDN” on Google; and “suggested articles” on Outbrain.

We increased the conversion sending Smart Messages (Vivo) to potential runner’s cellphones and through geotargeted media on running hotspots in Rio and São Paulo.


• 48% more active users on the Nike Running app

• 41,600 Records broken on Nike+ /data rewarded

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