
Untouchable cars


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Case Film






French Mountains aren't that pure.The pollution is caused by the CO2 emitted by thousands of cars, driven all over the ski resorts by tourists, creating traffic jams and consuming four times the usual amount of fuel due to the cold temperatures. The problem is made even more serious by the fact that the high altitude traps the CO2 and contaminates the snow.Mountain Riders and the town of Chamonix wanted to make the tourists aware of the problem whilst reaching a larger audience too.The aim: Make people choose to use public transport rather than using their cars.


We asked 9 award-winning snow sculptors to help us create and design delicate animals statues to make the cars Untouchable, so delicate that no one dared to drive them.Over only two nights, and using a natural raw material; the fresh snow on top of cars, they managed to sculpt animals out of snow on top of dozens of cars parked in the busiest areas of the resort: near the slopes, outside shops, along busy roads and car parks.The next days, the tourists found sculptures on top of their cars that took the form of mountain animals, from wolves, foxes, bears and birds of prey to rabbits and marmots…These statues were accompanied by a message inviting the drivers to defend the mountain against CO2 by using the resort’s free public transport service.


We asked 9 award-winning snow sculptors to help us create and design statues and scenes specially made to decorate the top of cars.Over only two nights, and using a natural raw material; the fresh snow on top of cars, they managed to sculpt animals out of snow on top of dozens of cars parked in the busiest areas of the resort: near the slopes, outside shops, along busy roads and car parks.The next days, the tourists found sculptures on top of their cars that took the form of mountain animals, from wolves, foxes, bears and birds of prey to rabbits and marmots…These statues were accompanied by a message inviting the drivers to defend the mountain against CO2 by using the resort’s free public transport service.

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