Cannes Lions


DENTSU, Tokyo / SONY / 2009

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The key concept was “TRAP”.We set a trap to urge targets into touching the real product. The unique selling points of the new VAIO were size, design and convenience, which were hard to be noticed by targets. There was therefore a demand for them to actually touch the product in order to confirm the value. Because targets were information-savvy people who wouldn’t be satisfied with one-way intrusive information from corporate sources, more emphasis was placed on the real user’s blog. Using this, we purposely provoked discussions by promoting the product as “just right” and making them argue it over on the web and through CGM (Consumer Generated Media).


- As soon as the campaign started, targets rushed to make reservations. It became a great hit and even now there is still a 2 month waiting list for reservations.

- It successfully took over a 15% share of the mini PC market from other competitors.- Consumer’s reactions to the web and the blog were massive, with it turning out to be the greatest VAIO campaign ever. (More than 5000 articles were on the blog within a month -2 times more than any of the nearest competitor’s!)-The amount of participants who had purchase intention as a result of the campaign was the highest ever.

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