Cannes Lions


JWT CAIRO, Cairo / VODAFONE / 2013


1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Silver Cannes Lions
Case Film
Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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The creative execution featured the daily situations the Egyptian population is put in when in comes to petty change. In Egypt, for example when a kiosk doesn't have change, he gives his customer chewing gum instead of money. In a the pharmacist gives customers a band aid instead and so on. Our TVC copies are based on that insight where our characters are in such situations and don't get their money back, instead Vodafone has the solution of communication value for their change. Empowering them to do more with it. That is what Vodafone provides its customers: Power To You.


In terms of results, Fakka revenues exceeded Vodafone's original target by 510% and the average revenue per Vodafone user has importantly increased by 7%. In addition, in terms channeling Fakka has reached 46,000 non-telecom outlets. Hence, it expended through a plethora of new marketing channels and it has been a 10% steady increase in the distribution of Fakka accross the country ever since.

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