Cannes Lions


42 BELOW VODKA, Coral Gables / 42BELOW / 2012






In the United States, Branded Entertainment is unregulated in the digital space, and the challenge is to find ways to involve brands in deep and meaningful ways without alienating audiences.


Subjects were strategically chosen to engage audiences passionate about specific creative fields – fashion, music, culinary, etc. – and were selected for both their dynamism and cultural significance as well as their ability to excite and activate a dedicated audience of fans through their own social media channels.Beyond curating a solid content line up, brand integration also had to be very carefully considered. Because the target demographic is among the most branding-sensitive, we positioned the brand as a benefactor and curator to the audience, as well as a respectful partner of VICE's, a media brand with great exceptional credibility of voice among its audience.VICE also devised and executed strategic media and PR campaigns for each episode, bringing the content directly to our target communities and demographics.


League of Two was extremely successful for 42Below, with very strong demonstrated traction in each of our target categories. A crucial factor considering their targets in the creative class, the brand was positioned as a savvy and caring curator of interesting content rather than a sponsor simply tagged on.The programme brought in some of the best viewing and engagement statistics VICE had seen on a branded content series to date. By activating the personal and professional social networks of our video subjects and creating custom outreach campaigns for each piece of content, 42Below and League of Two garnered 52.3MM earned media impressions and over 2.5MM video views in its first 6 months.

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