Cannes Lions


ARTISTREE, New York / SHELL / 2013

Case Film
Presentation Image
Supporting Content
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Shell, focused on their global “Let’s Go” campaign, came to us to expand their reach to the general consumer worldwide. We needed to come up with something that would be applicable across the globe. They wanted to tout their numbers. But what was the universal language beyond just boring old math?

We needed to speak in a universal language and create a visually-driven, high-energy video to capture the attention of today’s viewer. To do that, we worked with a world-renowned musical producer to come up with a non-traditional symphony of everyday instruments to reflect energy sources.

By allowing viewers to select energy sources (thereby indirectly selecting the “instrument” played), a unique composition results from 34,992 possible paths. At the end of the experience, the user’s energy mix is analyzed in terms of the types and amounts of energy used. Users then were able to share their unique song with the world.


“Instrument” played, a unique composition resulting from nearly 34,992 possible paths. At the end of the experience, the user’s energy mix is analyzed in terms of the types and amounts of energy used. Users then were able to share their unique song with the world.

Reinforcing the message, every time someone shared their video through social media, Shell donated $1 to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.


The project earned millions of views, from Germany to Brazil, and from Norway to Saudi Arabia. Users watched the video on average two times each and stayed interactive and intrigued during the entire experience.

Tens of thousands of comments and shares were made. Reinforcing the message, every time someone shared their video through social media, Shell donated $1 to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. These video experiences spread across YouTube, social media and

The experience successfully expressed where energy comes from, and Shell’s energy contribution today – and tomorrow.

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