Cannes Lions



Case Film
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During the weeks previous to the anniversary we brought Napoleon and Wellington back to life in a fight on the modern day battle field, Twitter.

We created a profile for both of them and engaged them in entertaining exchange of tweets. Our intention was to get followers and for famous Spanish tweeters to re-tweeted their content, and this is what happened.

After some weeks our stars of the show ended up meeting face to face to put an end to the quarrel.

By this time, two of the most famous and respected rappers in Spain, ZPU and Chojin, were already their alter egos. They would be the new faces of Napoleon and Wellington in the 21st century. Instead of fighting in Waterloo they would settle their dispute with a rap battle. We filmed and presented the battle in a video clip.


The execution had two parts.

The first one was carried out on twitter. For this part we generated two profiles, one for each of the contestants, and we made them chat like younger people do nowadays by exchanging videos, memes...

At the same time we contacted the two rappers and a music producer and we asked them to create the lyrics for our rap battle. Each of them would defend one of the roles and narrate the story of the Battle of Waterloo. The language was to be current which would allow us to reach the younger audience.

With everything ready only the most important thing was missing, the rap battle. We looked for the perfect location and we made the two rappers rap to create the video clip. In the video we see Wellington and Napoleon running around the streets with their troops until reaching the place of the battle.


More than 56 different media echoed our initiative.

More than 1,000,000 opinions in twitter.

More than 500K of reproductions of the video clip.

Waterloo was the best release of the history.

The programme doubled the channel´s audience.

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