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WE Connect is about hope for millions of Californians: hope for better health, a better life, and a better future for their children.

At a time when public programs are often unable to reach every individual who needs assistance, WE Connect serves as a trusted program to fill the gap and bring hope to people.

Across the nation, it was clear the challenges of connecting eligible yet unenrolled families into health care was easier said than done, thus enter WE Connect.

WE Connect is a unifier that links thousands of families across California with federal, state and local services they need to lead healthier, more financially secure lives.

To attend a WE Connect event is to experience sheer energy and joy that renewed hope can bring. At an event, you might meet Pablo, who at last got coverage for the challenges he faces from diabetes. Or you might speak to Anjelica, who connected to new health care options for her mom with hypertension.

At the core of WE Connect is trust because of the engagement of 5,000 trusted community-based organizations that partner to provide information, local services and onsite enrollment where families live, work, worship, learn, shop and play.

Understanding there is no “one way” to reach California’s diverse population, WE Connect executed a powerful PR campaign utilizing digital and social media, websites, community events, bilingual content and collateral materials, partnerships, online tools, social media, earned media and media partnerships, spurring millions of Californians to take action.


WE Connect has been successful in bringing together low-income communities in large scale events that include thousands of community organizations and volunteers, and more than 100,000 attendees taking part in medical screenings, food give-aways, tax preparation, onsite health enrolment and other community resources.

To amplify our messages, we partnered with state-wide and community-specific organizations to serve as “trusted messengers”.

We provided organizations with innovative content addressing the needs of our audience including:

• Health Enrolment ‘Starter Kits’

• 10 Tips & Fact Sheets

• Health Clinic Lists & Resource Directories

Our bilingual website is an information hub for health content and links to services across California. Our website features the “Web Connector” which screens families for more than 11 programs through the click of the mouse.

Through social media and earned media, we are able to engage partners, volunteers, and our communities, creating buzz and viral engagement throughout our communities.


We realized remarkable results and participation in the campaign. Over 100,000 people attended events, and we screened over 70,000 people for various services. We had more than 1,000 community volunteers throughout the year, many of whom brought our messages and content back to their own neighborhoods.

More than 10,000 individuals received free health screenings including flu shots, blood glucose testing and blood pressure checks.

Increased social media audiences by an astounding 400% and our website reached an all-time high of weekly visitors.

But our success isn’t measure just in dry statistics. The true measure of success can be seen on the digital dream wall that is a part of the WE Connect site where you can read about Californians who have seen their hope realized by finally getting access to health care, and you can see the joy on their faces. Those faces are the ultimate measure of our success.

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