Cannes Lions
HAVAS MEDIA, Mexico City / NIKE / 2013
An application was created on Facebook where girls were able to invite their friends, create groups, set challenges together, gain recognition along the way, get running tips and share the experience, all of which encouraged them to thrive on training and run the race together.
On pay TV, celebrities invited women to participate. Radio-broadcasters spread the news that celebrities will run the race. Insertions on women magazines, parks and even guerrilla posters and stickers in universities were placed near the usual running courses and local gyms.
To nurture Nike’s core fans we picked their running hot spots and gave them 2 bracelets to invite their closest friends. Doubtlessly they were going to tell others.
On the day of the race, a giant screen was placed to display programmed tweets from the runners’ accounts. The messages were published after they went across the finish line.
• 25% increase in the number of runners vs. Nike Nosotras Corremos prior year
• Remember our challenge was to recruit young people from 15 to 25 years old? We achieved 40% increase participation among this target of age vs. 2011’s race
• Out of the 10,000 participants in the race, 37% used the application and 483 groups were created within it
• Nike’s fan page increased fans by +25% by the end of the event
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