Cannes Lions
.One of the biggest mistakes when thinking about alcoholism,is believing the person with drinking problems simply chose to be in that situation. The advertising industry might have its share of blame though,for usually portraying the hard drinker as a monster, sometimes, even literally.Trying to change the conversation around this topic,we created the campaign We won’t help you.We will help each other.’,which stops blaming the alcoholics for their disease and empowers them instead, by showing that,within this matter,more than being patients, they are also doctors.Made out of prints,OOH,indoor posters and a book,this campaign uses twelve illustrations signed by brazilian artist Andres Sandoval, in which we see characters in situations of mutual help.The refreshing and delicate illustrations add a pleasant sense of peace, to an issue that is already turbulent enough.
Made out of prints, OOH, indoor posters and a book, this campaign uses twelve illustrations signed by brazilian artist Andres Sandoval, in which we see characters in situations of mutual help. The refreshing and delicate illustrations add a pleasant sense of peace, to an issue that is already turbulent enough.
The book's content is made out of the campaign manifesto, A.A. members testimonials, the group’s preamble and the famous 12 steps program. More than just being a piece to sit at A.A. stations, the book was sent to companies’ HR’s, to university principals and journalists, in order to be a pedagogic piece about this subject.
Results were outstanding, as the telephone calls to the AA central station grew in 23% during the month of the campaign and the visits the website were also significantly increased.
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