Cannes Lions

Where to eat in Canada

VENTURELAND, Los Angeles / EXPEDIA / 2024

Supporting Content
Demo Film
Supporting Content
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The goal of “Where to eat in Canada” is to highlight the culinary experiences that go beyond the standard search results. To find those experiences we worked with the filmmaker's research team, who he’d previously worked with on a hit show for a major streamer, to curate over hundreds of possible story segments. From there, the director and the Expedia team narrowed down the most interesting 4-5 stories to highlight in "Where to eat in Canada." The result is an eclectic, unexpected, highly entertaining cast of off the beaten path experiences and people. From a bagel shop who’s bagels were aboard the space shuttle, to meeting the Japanese-Canadian chef who invented the California Roll (or, as he calls it, "Tojo-maki"), "Where To" gives viewers a new perspective on why Canada should be considered a must-visit destination.


There is no better person to highlight the symbiotic relationship between food and travel more than our Emmy-nominated filmmaker. His interpretation of plating a dish feels more like a choreographed dance, the marco moments capture the most intricate of details in a stunning cinematic way. Using his signature visual style–which usually incorporates slow motion and classical music–the way he approaches photographing food and telling stories about food pointedly breaks away from how traditional travel content is typically showcased. Lighting up kitchens as if he was shooting a scripted film, the filmmaker's clever and creative outside-the-box ways to shoot the food feels far more than a piece of branded entertainment. The filmmaker's thumbprint on "Where To" is one of a kind and the key ingredient in the episode’s success.

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