Dubai Lynx

'Who Are You?'

MEDIACOM MENA, Dubai / MARS / 2017


1 Shortlisted Dubai Lynx
Presentation Image
Case Film
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Over the past five years the success of Snickers' 'You're Not You When You're Hungry' has led to the brand becoming a satisfying part of the cultural lexicon, with no sign of stopping. It is based on the universal insight that when you are hungry, you are off your game and risk making mistakes – and Snickers is the hunger satisfaction that can sort you out.

However, even the most iconic chocolate brands are not immune to the fickle consumer, whose impulsive purchases leave little room for long-term loyalty. As a brand that never rests on its laurels, Snickers launched its latest iteration of YNYWYH, with an on-pack promotion titled ‘Who Are You?’.

The challenge then was to make new idea of ‘Who Are You?’ fresh and relevant in a part of the World where chocolate bars and comedy can quickly become old news.


With the new bars covering a number of different hunger traits, we focused on utilizing Emarat’s network of LED screens to give us the much-needed flexibility in dealing with the daily rollercoaster of people’s moods.

It also enabled us to put the execution into the hands (and stomachs) of our audience!

By monitoring Snickers sales of each Emarat petrol station we identified the most popular hunger traits within each community. That sales data then fed into the creative so each location become entirely tailored to its combined state of hungriness!

Not only could we showcase how each community was feeling but also prompt its residents to impact the Snickers creative. So if someone in Al Mawrid felt ‘Cranky’ wasn’t a fair description of who they were when they are hungry, they could simply grab a bar and boost sales of a particular trait that matched their symptoms.

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