Cannes Lions

Wisconsin Flag

VML, Chicago / ACLU OF WISCONSIN / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






The ACLU took to the heart of conservative country, transforming the Wisconsin flag (a state that voted for Trump in the 2016 election) from a steadfast symbol of state pride, to a celebrated salute to gay pride. The updated flag was paraded across Wisconsin during Pride Week, serving as an unwavering banner of acceptance, hope and unity for the LGBT community and it's advocates at a time when all are needed most.


The front of the flag appears as it normally does, with a miner and a sailor flanking a shield. But when you turn to the back, it is revealed that the miner and sailor are actually holding hands.


The two-sided flag was distributed at gay pride parades and events throughout the state of Wisconsin. Homeowners, local businesses and even some schools chose to fly the two-sided flag to show their support. In addition, local and national news organizations, as well as national trade publications covered the execution, ultimately providing much-needed awareness for the ACLU's mission.