Cannes Lions
VML, Santiago / GOBIERNO DE CHILE / 2024
Situation: Organ donation is taboo. When not discussed in time, families do not respect this decision.
Brief: Spark public debate to ensure our immediate surroundings respect the decision.
Objectives: Generate societal discourse, increase donor numbers, and dismantle associated taboos.
Share the media Insight: The initiative was showcased in highly iconic sites of the capital, including the Government House.
With replicas of real death certificates, we created a billboard showcasing metaphorically the decomposition that organs undergo when they are buried and not donated, showing a real-time decomposition with worms, highlighting the consequences of not donating organs.
An impactful, raw, and realistic tone was used, aiming to spark debate on the topic of organ donation.
The initiative targeted a broad audience, capturing the attention of passersby in the most emblematic locations of the capital.
Dozens of billboards were deployed in the iconic spots of the capital, revealing in real-time the decomposition process.
• Implementation: The billboard containing microorganisms and worms capable of decomposing printed replicas of real death certificates on organic paper.
• Media channels and integration: The campaign primarily featured the billboard, but quickly extended to social media platforms.
• Scale: The campaign resonated across the entirety of Chilean territory, due to the iconic location chosen to reveal the issue.
Proof of engagement: Number of interactions, downloads or comments: 1.1 million of Impressions
• Earned media results: 15 million earned media
• Brand perception: +100% positive-neutral sentiment.
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