Cannes Lions



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Case Film






Having entered the Turkish market in 1986, Yumos has been the lovemark in the fabric conditioners category. Almost synonymous with fabric conditioner, Yumos has been the leader in the category with the highest market share along with highest brand scores. Meanwhile, the liquid detergents market was dominated by Perwoll’s 61.8% market share. Unilever needed a liquid detergent brand to challenge Perwoll in the premium category and Yumos was perfect for this job as a much loved, renown and “associated-with-care” brand in the total Unilever home care portfolio. Therefore, 3 specific variants were created, claiming to perform better than Perwoll and launched with a higher price index. Our objective was to first create awareness that this is not another Yumos fabric conditioner variant but liquid detergent. The second objective is making our target audience give it a try before automatically picking their usual brand from the shelf.


The news was “one small step for mankind but a giant leap for Yumos bears”. We needed our target audience, millennials, to first acknowledge that Yumos “detergent” is out and is superior, then to stop and think twice before they automatically buy their usual fabric care detergent. We knew they already loved us, our fashionable world and our bears. But Yumos was almost synonymous with conditioner. We needed an impactful but simple and direct message to create awareness. Thus, we simply used a wordplay in Turkish meaning “Yumos detergent is out / worked very good”. Then we playfully focused on making this news even bigger. Meanwhile, “Stop! Wait a minute, listen” lyrics of a 90’s hit of popular Turkish pop singer Mustafa Sandal popped up spontaneously in our head. We placed “Stop!” message on our Yumos bear’s paw and used as a visual cue in all KV’s.


Yumos brand strategy had been reviewed based on these target consumer insights and in January 2020, Yumos fabric conditioners had a huge relaunch with a brand-new campaign which was treated as if crafted for a fashion brand. Our beloved Yumos bears were no longer childish teddy bears, they were alive, dynamic, reflecting the style of the consumer, dancing on the streets, winking etc. For our detergent launch, our challenge was both to bring our beloved Yumos bears to the scenes as in our 2020 conditioner campaign, but also to create a clear differentiation and awareness that this time Yumos “detergent” was out. Therefore, our priority was to register that now Yumos also offers a fabric care liquid detergent family. Second challenge was to convince consumers of Yumos detergent’s functional superiority over Perwoll in fabric care with its 3 different variants for 3 specific needs e.g., black, colorful, and fragile fabrics.


The news was first announced with our teaser copy on TV, digital and SM. Started in the supermarket, our copy showed the news spreading further even to reach space. Our bears introduced the products in our main copy. With their touch, we showed the different functional benefits. For our first follow up project we covered a building on a popular street in Istanbul with our message and colorful Yumos bears. The timing was right after the lockdowns, people had just thrown themselves to streets. Our wall was so joyful that it became an attraction point and then organically a national trend topic on SM. Second was “Yumos Island” game in collaboration with Turkey’s most watched reality show Survivor. Viewers could play it live during the ad break with TV remotes or mobile phones. Participants gave permission to collect their data for a chance to win a trip to Survivor finale.


• Between January- April 2021 we supported our campaign with 3500 GRP on TV resulting in 94% reach of our target audience (from our target audience FHK which was 4+)

• Gained 4M reach with the collaboration with 10 influencers during the outdoor building project.

• Gained an extra 3.5M reach with the “Lost bears” communication

• In the 2nd month of the launch, having triggered a huge trial, Yumos gained 20% market share and became the second player in the category.

• Performed 72% sell-out in discount market Sok in the 1st week of the launch.

• Overreached its annual KPI of 2% penetration resulting with 2.4% in 6 months

• Reached 63% of the annual revenue KPI in 6 months

• Anchored its rank to number 3 with a 9.6 % market share in the liquid detergents market

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