
Zwitsal x Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest


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Case Film
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All parents struggle getting their little ones to fall asleep and get a good night's rest. This is all to clear when you look at the most Googled question by young parents: How do I get my baby to fall asleep. How can Zwitsal help parents to create a mindful bed ritual to help them out? All parents can relate to moments when they’re challenged to calm their baby. And especially during a global pandemic, it’s even more important for everyone to get a good night’s sleep. This was the moment for Zwitsal to really show their brand purpose: ‘you are not alone, we understand how it feels.’

This campaign creates relevant brand visibility among its key target group (young parents), while simultaneously introducing the orchestra to a brand new audience since live concerts were not possible at the time.


We created a visual language, in which animals where lively animated, resembling the specific musicians, playing lullabies with their instrument. Think somewhat similar to an avatar. We linked the animals to each other and created a baby nursery mobile, providing us with the right context: to soothe babies. In the concert series, we recorded a total of 12 songs, creating 12 videos and audio recordings, resulting in a unique library of worldwide lullabies to help parents help their children fall asleep.


This campaign creates relevant brand visibility among its key target group (young parents), while simultaneously introducing the orchestra to a brand new audience since live concerts were not possible at the time. We hope to have inspired young parents about the positive effect of classical music on both their children's lives, as well as their own.

The musicians strongly identify themselves with the lullabies who remind them of their own youth and playing them at home for their own little ones. Zwitsal and the Concertgebouworkest created a beautiful ‘ode’ to several lullabies from around the world, in a time that was very unfamiliar and uncertain.


The recordings are available (and free of charge) on YouTube, Spotify and can be played using Google Assistant. What really makes this unique is that music is a universal language, allowing parents all over the globe to play the songs - even if they don’t know Zwitsal.

The campaign was launched July 2020 and the audio and lullaby video are still available on Spotify and YouTube.


Spotify: 1.000.000

YouTube: 295.000

Google Assistant: 1.000


We started by targeting newborn parents (there are roughly 170.000 each year in the Netherlands) but managed to reach a total of 1 million streams on Spotify. On YouTube, our videos were watched a total of 295.000 times, and Google Assistant received 1000 requests to play our lullabies. Keep in mind however, that this was the intermediate score so the numbers are still going up! Another notable mention: Kruidvat, one of the main retailers for Zwitsal products, is looking at the possibility of manufacturing the nursery mobile from the visual that also plays the different lullabies when turned on. This will help the experience shift from online to offline, making it even more intimate, impactful and something to be cherished.