Film > Online Film: Sectors
GUT, Buenos Aires / GLOBANT / 2023
Write a short summary of what happens in the film
The 1000 Slides film is a satire of what clients can imagine their consultant company does when creating a presentation deck. Filling the voids of no real solutions with whatever they can find to raise their fares and get paid at the end of the day. The film shows a group of consultants counting slides until they reach the 1000th and break into celebration. Everyone congratulates Mike, their hero consultant, as he is ready to bullshit his way into a client meeting with his creation.
Globant is a digital transformation company with a start-up mentality that needed to become known massively in an industry full of already-known players that reigned the TOM. In that difficulty, we saw an opportunity.
We worked on positioning Globant as a challenger brand and a doer rather than a talker. Despite being a 26k-employee company, their work culture makes their business successful and cuts through the rest. Moreover, they don´t sell canned answers, they work alongside clients by sitting with them to find the most tailor-made solutions.
The global campaign insights were provided by accurate data of clients working with these companies, showcasing two of the most common ones in the consultancy world. Companies are filing thousands of slides with bullshit just to raise their rates. The other example is the recycling of solution plans for many clients, no matter what they do. Feeling like they copy and paste them.
Describe the Impact:
The objectives were to increase brand awareness and recall, generate interest and engagement, and grow social media followers. The campaign achieved +1.5% in brand awareness and a +1.2% increase in brand recall, a +9.5% increase in impressions, and +2% increase in clicks. Social media followers grew significantly across platforms, with LinkedIn followers up +31%, Instagram up +44%, Facebook up +48%, and YouTube followers that doubled the average growth rate. Moreover, the campaign generated high levels of interaction and engagement on social media. The campaign exceeded expectations, and we created a 1000 slides presentation to share with clients and prospects to explain why companies should choose Globant over its competitors.
Is there any cultural context that would help the jury understand how this work was perceived by people in the country where it ran?
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