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You’re in a shop or a pharmacy, or you’re buying everyday goods and you can’t understand what’s written on labels. Whether you go home with a necessary buy or get an allergic reaction.
Dyslexics in Russia get into similar situations. Inability to interact with a text incredibly limits their choice and a wish to try out something new turns into fear to run into consequences buying without seeing. Sadly, Russia has neither developed a methodology nor covered this problem. On one side, there are people with dyslexia who are afraid to ask for help and come across as simply illiterate. But then again, there is a poor awareness about the existence of this problem, despite a large percentage (about 12%) of people suffering from dyslexia.
Our idea and goal was not only to enable dyslexics to confidently read text information, but to raise people's awareness and draw attention to it.
Describe the creative idea
We decided to create the first variable Cyrillic font especially for dyslexic people, adapt and implement it in the application. Develop not only a basic set of symbols, but also to make it possible to change variables in them, so that each person can adjust it individually for themselves. The font includes not only the basic letters of the Russian alphabet, but also special symbols and punctuation marks.
Describe the strategy
Studying the information, we first contacted organizations dealing with this problem. And we were shocked since official figures state that about 12% of the population suffer from dyslexia.
The target group varied from children to adults. Moreover, officially the number of dyslexic children is constantly growing. The problem of statistical error was ignorance - adults or parents were simply unaware, blaming problems with reading and writing on poor grammar, not thinking of getting help.
Our application allows to scan a product and get all the information about it, including originality and data, which isn’t always indicated on the package. With that, the information is given in a convenient form.
Having met and interviewed more than a hundred dyslexics, we found out that people face problems daily when choosing goods, which either takes a long time or is almost impossible, which makes going to the store on their own very uncomfortable.
Describe the execution
Initially, we planned to create a regular font. Later we learnt that each dyslexic's eyesight is unique. And you can’t find a solution for everyone at once. We expected approximate readability of a static font to be around 60%. Expanding functionality and adding the ability to optionally change elements individually, such as letter thickness, serifs, spacing, achieved maximum readability.
The text was developed together with type designers for 5 months. Numerous tests, interviews and recommendations improved and adjusted our work.
However, first closed tests showed excellent results in great perception of information by dyslexics, the flexible setting mode allowed to achieve great results and a high level of perception.
After the announcement and application functionality were released, we were pleased with first reviews - many people noted usefulness of the new mode in daily life, which was extremely important for us, since control testing and daily usage are different things.
List the results
Interest to this tool was shown immediately - more than 10,000 activations in the first days, while there was no individual announcement or PR, since we closely monitored the feature stability.
Further, a number of well-known editions and opinion leaders took interest. The coverage of articles in the first week alone amounted to more than 15 million.
At the same time, the frequency of mentioning the brand in the networks increased by 25% and the mood of the statements was extremely positive.
Our main business target is to increase retention and frequency of application use daily. After the development was announced, the number of daily app installs increased by 20%, while the Retention of incoming users was very high.
This was an important indicator for us - we got a good business result, following one of the main principles of our project - inclusion and convenience of receiving information.
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