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CampaignCampaign(opens in a new tab)
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We frequently observe Amnesty International members wearing yellow vests on the streets, actively seeking support for human rights activities. However, few individuals take the time to stop and inquire about human rights violations in other countries. Consequently, our primary mission has transitioned to online platforms, encouraging people to join petitions.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work e.g. local legislation, cultural norms, a national holiday or religious festival that may have a particular meaning.

In terms of human rights development, Taiwan is considered a progressive nation which leads to low interest of concern for human rights issue among general public. Despite the efforts of Amnesty International to engage with the public and promote its principles on the streets, it is still largely ignored by the population, hampering the effectiveness of petitions.

Describe the creative idea

Given the simple belief that 'as long as one is human, we should have the ability to speak up for the human rights of others.'

We have identified a communication gateway in people's everyday online behavior: "Robot Verification".

Through the experience of confirming that one is not a robot, our goal is to prompt individuals to reconsider their human identity and take action on the human rights challenges faced by people in other countries.

Describe the strategy

We disseminate human rights messages across portal websites, strategically targeting individuals deeply interested in news and human rights issues through our advertising banners. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate these messages in a manner that is "impossible to ignore." By employing approaches that resonate with everyday life and are easily understandable, we strive to ensure that human rights issues receive widespread attention on online platforms.

Describe the execution


Incorporating an unexpected message during anti-bot verification, we prompt users to contemplate human rights activism. A seamless pop-up ad, mimicking standard anti-bot verification, initiates user engagement. Post-verification, users receive an unconventional affirmation: "I'm not a robot; I'm human." Linking verification to global human rights issues heightens awareness. Subsequently, users are redirected to Amnesty International's website for more information.

Timeline and Placement:

Executing a concise two-month digital campaign via banners on portals and simultaneous Facebook promotion. The rotating content spotlights four distinct human rights issues, providing brief exposure. Placing the pop-up ad strategically within anti-bot verification optimizes visibility.


Beyond those concerned with global human rights, the campaign effectively engages demographics with limited awareness through portal ads, amplifying impact.

List the results

Through a simulated robot test, we effectively brought attentions to human rights issues:

-The number of petitions has increased by 301% compared to the previous offline operations.

-Over 140,000 engagements have been made in the verification process.

-Media exposures exceeded expectations with 5.55 million impressions.

-Achieved a remarkable 166% increase in conversion rates (CVR).