Health and Wellness > Education & Services


McCANN HEALTH, Singapore / RED CROSS / 2016

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Creating a website that promotes awareness around blood donation proved to have several hurdles. The government (HSA) needs to approve the plans and creative Redcross is working on to promote blood donation to increase donors and tends to “play-it-safe”. All content and designs needed to be scrutinised by many stockholders.


“A website that collects blood, through life-saving stories of survivors who have lived because of the donations they have received.”


We created a website (and campaign) that celebrates the lives of people saved by blood donation.

We filmed a series of 8 short video testimonials to give a face to the people saved, step-by-step info-graphic animations highlighting the blood donation process, blood myth-busters showcasing actual fears stopping Singaporeans from donating and an app to help notify donors when blood is low and how to get to the nearest blood centre to donate.

All of the assets we created where carefully designed with the intention of creating a slick User Interface that potential blood donors would find easy and interesting to navigate. Graphic styles are blended with real life testimonials to communicate our messages in a non-threatening way.

The website and supporting content was all created over a series of 3 months and was rolled out towards the last quarter of 2015.


It is still early days for the campaign and website launch but the stats show:

• User time spent on Redcross website = 1 min 15 sec on average (General webpage visit duration for other sites = less than 20secs)

• Standard app download conversion rate = 1% or less. The Redcross website performed 7 times better

• 14.16% of site visitors clicked on “Where to donate” button (Jan – Mar)

• 28.64% of site visitors clicked on “Where to donate” button (Mar)


When working with the Red Cross team we wanted to employ the latest behaviour change theory thinking in order to optimise our campaign – however we also recognised that this is an extremely sensitive subject. While we do want to create the most persuasive story possible we are also acutely aware that Red Cross would never set out to (and must also never been seen to) manipulate it’s audience.

What we do know from behaviour change theory however is that a number of different techniques can be used to help people engage with an issue on a personal level and hence drive more effectively to action:

• Personal resonance: Donors need to personally identify with the action they are being asked to take – not just the impact their action will have.

• Reciprocity: Although blood donation is not


Every year, Singapore Red Cross faces the repeated challenge of raising the blood supply to meet the ever growing demand for different blood types throughout the year.

Young and old donors are needed to help supply the lifeblood of Singapore. But how can we convince and prove to Singaporeans that their blood is going to help real people in need?

How can we recruit more blood donors and highlight the importance of blood donation?

We needed:

- To create a campaign and website to help drive awareness and educate people on the importance of blood donations.

- To build content that will help drive the importance of blood donation and spark new donors.

- To prove to Singaporeans that their blood truly goes on to save people in need.

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