Film Craft > Film Craft
LANDIA, Buenos Aires / AB INBEV / 2017
Corona, a symbol of Mexican spirit worldwide, uses the notorious wall threatened by Donald Trump to highlight the importance of breaking barriers. Starring actor Diego Luna who leaps and climbs unbelievable obstacles as he narrates a voiceover: "All of us are angry about the wall that madman wants to build," he says. "But we should also be angry at the walls we have here."
He celebrates the way Mexicans overcome challenges and break barriers, and asserts, "Your only frontier is you." The spot ends with Mr. Luna operating a wrecking ball to smash through a wall.
This campaign couldn’t be more challenging for the director. It was to launch two days before election day in the US. It was a direct attack on Trump’s anti-Mexican wall, and it featured one of Mexico’s biggest stars: Diego Luna, fresh off his Star Wars premiere. On top of that the ad was meant to not only criticise the wall, but also criticise some clichés of Mexican society. The director had the rather difficult role of making sure this all didn’t come across preachy or heavy-handed. So he made a clear choice to make the spot energetic, fast and fun, despite the important issue being tackled. In the wrong hands this could have turned into that Pepsi ad, but the effect here was quite the opposite. The ad was a hit, and worked as a celebration of Mexican pride.
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