1001 ACTions


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Written Submission

In today's world, where social issues are increasingly important, we recognize that Gen Z is very aware of these issues but often feels disconnected after only sharing posts or signing petitions. This gap between knowing and doing is especially evident in the fight against child, early, and forced marriage. Our campaign aims to bridge this gap by focusing on specific, actionable steps.

Gen-Z is a digitally savvy and creative generation, skilled in content creation, video editing, and design. These skills, often used in activism, make them a powerful force for social change. Our campaign seeks to utilize these talents, encouraging Gen-Z to contribute their small, innovative solutions to the complex issue of child marriage.

A 1001 ACTions is about the thousand of small solutions that the GenZs can create to achieve something big, such as eradication of CEFMUs.

By tapping into Gen-Z's diverse skills and creative ideas, we aim to make a significant impact on eradicating child, early, and forced marriage via a website portal where they can choose action items to participate in. This approach not only tackles the problem more effectively but also actively involves Gen-Z, turning them from passive observers to active participants in this crucial social issue.