2023 Cannes_Young Lions Digital_South Korea

South Korea

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





60% of Indian children attend the local daycare center and yet, still struggle from high illiteracy rate and lack of education.

With growing access to smartphones per household, RocketLearning utilizes WhatsApp to give simple byte-sized contents to parents, sent by the daycare center teachers, to provide the right educational attention to their child.

Our aim is to raise awareness to these young parents and create a movement of how important it is to educate their children in toddler age and to shift the functionality of the daycare center from giving nutritional support to educational support.

Describe the creative idea

Inspirational quote ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ triggered us to come up with a campaign that encourages young parents to help toddlers learn together and create a learning atmosphere amongst Indian communities.

Every week at a certain time, the daycare center teacher sends a simultaneous WhatsApp invitation to parents called ‘Weekly Rocket Quest : Launch your rocket to collect a gold star together!’ that asks their child to complete a task with a peer.

This simple task encourages the child to learn and find the solution with a friend, and will maintain and invite more parents to actively participate in RocketLearning education. The child and the peer both receives a gold star upon completing the quest and continues to wait for the next learning quest.

Describe the strategy

Our strategy is to create a Butterly effect to multiply and spread the need of toddlers’ education to Indian communities.

Toddlers from age 1-3 go through a crucial stage of learning basic skills such as physical, verbal, and cognitive skills. It is also the important period for the parent to give a child plenty of time to socially interact with peers, according to Dr. Heather Wittenberg, a psychologist specializing in child development.

RocketLearning will utilize the WhatsApp platform, the most common communication tool in India, to make the child not miss out on their socializing experiences which will help the child be well adjusted to the learning environment in the future.

Describe the execution

1.Simultaneous WhatsApp invitation called ‘Weekly Rocket Quest : Launch your rocket to collect a gold star together!’ is sent out from the daycare teacher every week to parents to make their child solve a special task with a fellow peer.

2. The parent then connects with other parents that would want their child to join and solve the weekly special task together. (Ex. Physical play / Number play / WordPlay)

3. Once the children complete the task, they both receive a special gold star from the teacher, as a form of good job compliment.

4. Every month the daycare teacher awards one child as the ‘gold child of the month’ making the parents proud of their child and take part in earning more stars next time.

5. Once a year, the daycare center holds a ‘gold star day’ where children gather to play various cooperative games and enjoy learning together.