


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Describe the strategy

Our target audience consists of young people between the age of 16 to 29 years (Gen Z & Zillennials).

We use the massive global reach potential of 16 to 29 year olds on Instagram (1.2 billion) and TikTok (800 million) to our advantage by creating immense advertising pressure on said platforms. Why? Firstly, over 90% of our target group is active on those platforms. Secondly, we prefer to put more pressure on less platforms than less pressure on more platforms. Finally, the easier the action is to understand and to execute, the more people are likely to join. What's easier than a double-tap? We invite our audience to simply like the ads we run in order to become part of the movement. Through double-tapping, the users agree to have their profile pictures, handles and sustainability insights being printed as a sticker used for the biggest climate demonstration in history.

Describe the execution

In order to create the largest climate protest in history, we take to the World Economic Forum in Davos, where we bring all adivist-stickers from all countries together and plaster the streets with the united voice of our audience. The peak of our campaign will be the demonstration in January at the WEF.

To generate as many adivists / stickers as possible, we are going to launch a paid campaign and boost our ad in October and November before the conference, which takes place in January. Additionally, we expect earned media, e.g. influencer reposting our ad and newspaper coverage. Through this combination, we aim to reach 70 million impressions and 10 million likes. During the WEF, we partner with Instagram and TikTok to overwrite their feeds for 24 hours with adivists posting and increase our demonstration’s reach into the digital world.