Anganwadi Mart


Young Entry Asset





Anganwadis, India’s public daycares, have an absenteeism problem. Indian parents don’t see the long-term value in kids attending public education, especially those who never experienced school themselves.

But what if we show them how education can pay off—in a way that they'd understand better: through online shopping?

Describe the creative idea

We will launch Anganwadi Mart: a store that offers discounts based on your kid’s test scores.

The better your child performs at school, the less you pay for items of nutrition and education—resources that help your kids’ development even more. These include books, pencils, bags, fruits, vegetables, and even seasonal needs like raincoats and flood boots.

The discounts may start small. But as the child progresses to exams with more items and higher level of difficulty, the Anganwadi Mart will start paying off for the hard work at bigger discounts.

Describe the strategy

Our main target are Indian parents of low-income household who are already enrolled in the program. Secondary target are low income parents who are yet to enroll, who may be encouraged through feedback of our primary audience.

The Anganwadi Mart will live mainly on WhatsApp, India’s leading social and messaging platform. WhatsApp prevalence in the lives of the market will help

Content promoting the discounted items will posted on WhatsApp communities where the parents are. Here they will be updated frequently with relevant deals to excite and keep them engaged.

Ads on YouTube, IG, and other touch points will intercept moms and offer deals contextual to their family’s needs. This will be heavily based on their online consumer data, allowing us to create personalized messages and ads.

Describe the execution

The campaign will launch across 1.3 million anganwadi centers in India. It will kick off with our community announcements, amplified by ads on YouTube and Meta.

The campaign will run from June to Aug. After which we assess which regions responded well and has developed a habit of consistence daycare attendance.

Moreover, it's potential as an evergreen campaign allows it to be relaunched whenever it is needed at varying scale depending on which regions need more help.