Be a Pencil


Young Entry Asset




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

A pencil can be many things in the kids imagination.

A plant. A snake. A house. An orchestra baton. Even a… boat?

The pencil can be a strong tool for learning. It's the instrument that allows you to make mistakes and correct them.

The adults can also be an important tool for a learning child, only spending a little time and attention everyday. It's a simple routine of simple exercises that can change a life. And now the parents have all it takes to help them writing wonderful stories.

A pencil can mean many things in a child's life. Parents can too.


35 million Indian children are unable to recognize a letter or a number.

This happens for many reasons, but it is an urgent problem to solve: they are growing up.

Rocket Learning can change this situation by a technologic - but at the same time simple and integrative - solution. Communities created in Whatsapp connect lead regional teachers with parents and support them in studies by encouraging to participate in their children's education.

Children's learn more when they practice with their parents.

However, sometimes the parents don't have the confidence to teach. So they end up not participating as much in their child's education. It's a huge problem, but we can fix it.

Strategy and Insight

Teach is more than tell a knowledge: is learn together.

The verb "teaching" indicates the responsibility of someone who can't make mistakes, and this helps neither the parent nor the child.

We want to demystify the teaching, because it's not only about knowledge.

It's about bonds.

The learning process depends on the mutual confidence between two persons. This complicity increases students performances at the most important age (3-6 y/o), while the adult becomes a tool that can make a real difference in its life.

The pencil is also a tool.

It can write stories, draw, calculate and even make mistakes, but never alone. The adult shows the way, but also crosses it together with the child, while Rocket Learning gives all they need. The pencil is the symbol of the brand, and now is also gonna represent this parents who choose helping to write their children's history.
