Be a terrible parent


Young Entry Asset




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

We see laundry hanging on a clothesline, clothes with stains, a crowded kitchen counter and a dirty floor. In various everyday household situations, we show parents' unfinished tasks. Throughout the film, the voice-over encourages viewers to neglect things around housekeeping and to be "terrible" parents. The solution comes when the viewer sees a parent studying with their child on a smartphone. At the same time, the voice-over urges them to focus on the important tasks of parenting. The film ends with a call-to-action for parents to get involved in their children's early childhood education with the help of Rocket Learning.


India's government-run daycare centers for children focus primarily on nutrition and health care. The early education of children is usually neglected. This makes the role of parents even more important, as parental involvement can make a significant difference in a child’s early education. Unfortunately, many parents are not aware that they should be involved in early childhood education. Therefore, we want to raise awareness among low-income parents and request them to take an active role in their children's education.

Strategy and Insight

The insight: Given the prevailing view of parenting, everyone thinks that the most important role of a “good” parent is to take care of the household. In doing so, the early childhood education responsibilities that come with parenthood are seen as less important.

Our strategy: To question societal expectations of parenthood by asking the target audience - low-income parents from rural, semi-urban parts of India aged 18 to 35 - to disregard these expectations and appear to be a seemingly “bad” parent. All of this is intended to redirect parents' focus towards their engagement in their child's early childhood education and take back control of it. In doing so, we establish new benchmarks for 'good' parenting and displace prevailing societal expectations.