Becoming a parent comes with a degree


Young Entry Asset




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

In the commercial, we see a woman in her bathroom, who decided to make an announcement. With a pregnancy test in hand, she is about to reveal that she's pregnant. However, in a twist, she announces that she's going to be a teacher. The film closes with: "Becoming a parent comes with a degree."

We also jumped on a social media trend of pregnancy reveal videos on TikTok to connect more with the audience, like this one:


The brief involves creating a film aimed at parents in India, particularly mothers, to inspire them to reclaim an active role in their children's education. The challenge lies in addressing a prevalent belief among parents that they are not qualified to educate their children due to a lack of formal degrees or higher education. The film's objective is to empower parents to overcome these inhibitions and take confident steps toward actively participating and contributing to their children’s education. The objective of the campaign is to celebrate the inherent wisdom of parenthood and to encourage parents to embrace their natural role as their children's first teachers.

Strategy and Insight

From the day they find out they are going to be parents, moms and dads gear up to become mentors to their children. Regardless of their economic status or educational background, their role as parents comes with an additional title - that of teachers.

Our target audience is all mothers and fathers. We want to convey that they don’t need anything extra to be teachers to their children, because this title comes as a default with parenthood. This film addresses the brief by highlighting the inherent teaching role that comes with being a parent.