Crafting the Future



Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Describe the strategy

Since the target audience is generally very refractory to advertising, reaching it in a playful, positive and collaborative way, while maximizing reach, is the way to go.

We segmented our approach in three pillars, each one contributing to the main objective : increasing the awareness of the climate crisis and the number of actions that can be put in place by the target audience.

-Empower the audience through specifically developed mods on Roblox and Minecraft, aiming at solving real life sustainability challenges

-Educate by connecting the virtual world they created with real life applications through online events on Twitch and Youtube.

-Inspire with a ‘walk the talk’ media activation. Partnering up with the Ad Zero Net organization, we will optimize our media mix to launch the very first 100% carbon neutral campaign, while billboards will be used to capture CO2 from the air and to leverage solar power.

Describe the execution

The campaign was built to maximize the reach through organic connections, working directly with gaming influencers. By doing so, we limit both media and production costs, relying mostly on user-generated content.

The users - and influencers - will be encouraged to build a better world and to solve sustainability problems in 2 weeks, leading to Earth Day, which is held on April 22nd. On that date, users will be invited to a virtual protest, becoming the biggest virtual protest in history… ever seen something more Gen-Z like?

The process of collaboration on the games, as well as the protest, will be put live on Twitch and YouTube and then captured and relayed on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Snap.

Our mass media campaign will meanwhile leverage all media pre negotiated as well as paid for. The idea: deliver exactly what we’re preaching for. A carbon-neutral campaign.