Don't know


Young Entry Asset




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

In the video, we see an ordinary Indian mother who is woken up in the middle of the night by a child who wants to find out the answer to a question that worries him, but unfortunately the mother does not know what to answer him and the child goes to his room upset.

After a short amount of time, the mother decides not to leave this situation just like that and goes into the child's room so that they find out the answer together and learn something new.


In India, over 40 million children aged 3–6 are unable to access high-quality education. Public schooling has been limited to daycare centers, which mostly focus on nutrition and health care, rather than learning. That’s a problem because many parents lack awareness and confidence – especially when they are uneducated themselves.

Mothers are typically the primary caregiver in most families, so their role in early childcare and education is crucial. Our primary goal is to empower mothers by raising awareness to take charge of their young children's education confidently and start learning pre-school subjects and other educational activities at home, together with a child.

Strategy and Insight

Children love asking questions: silly, unexpected, interesting, and so genuinely childish. For kids, parents are their primary source of information and of answers to their endless questions. Sometimes parents tend to dismiss or avoid answering these "childish" questions, because they DON’T WANT to due to various reasons such as busyness, laziness, or simply not being in a mood.

This is not always the case though. Our audience, Indian mothers 18-35 y.o. with minimum to zero education, maybe want to answer all questions their children ask, but might feel intimidated, that they simply DON’T KNOW the right answer.

This perceived incompleteness leads to discomfort and mental distress further diminishing the already limited self-esteem of mothers in a society where women's rights and opportunities are quite limited.

In our video, we capture a moment in the life of an ordinary Indian mom, where her child is curious to find out more about some new thing he discovers. Instead of giving up, after hearing another question with an unknown answer, this mother chooses to embark on a journey of learning alongside her child.

The aim of our video is to reassure mothers who fear appearing ignorant due to their own lack of knowledge on certain topics. We convey the message that it’s perfectly fine not to know some things. At the same time, we present a compelling example of a mother who demonstrates the power of nurturing a love for learning by sharing the curiosity and desire to explore the world.