EcoTree's FoRest Forever- Team Spain

Madrid, Spain

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Describe the creative idea

Looking into the creative idea, we focused on understanding why a regular person would want to buy a tree and earn carbon credits, so we realized that if the aim is to address individually, we needed first to create an impact on people, a purpose they can connect with.

Once we enter adulthood, certain existential questions about life and purpose come to us: am I going to leave a mark in this world? What will happen after I leave?

Without being catastrophic, there are two things that are certainly dying: the world as we know it and our lives on Earth. But… what if we could make these two lasts forever?

We introduce the first platform that allows you to live forever, we are creating EcoTree’s “FoRest forever”. Natural and sustainable cemeteries where your ashes are used as fertilizers in a tree, compensating your carbon footprint and battling climate change.