Everything adds up



Young Entry Asset




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Leila is a math genius. In a grilling examination, one tough question after the other, she never misses a beat. Yet the fast calculations she pulls off always seem to involve fruit, even when no apples or cherries are involved. Why?

Because her mommy taught her so.


We were asked to create a film that would drive parents to take care of their children's education in viable and accessible ways. A video for Rocket Learning, a no profit servicing over 1.5 million parents that helps children get access to higher education. As having fun while learning is crucial to children's schooling process, we focused on the concept of a fun-driven teaching experience for our film.

Strategy and Insight

For our movie we focus on how little steady steps lead to the most durable results. Our focus was doing so while maintaining a light and fun mood. We focused on two points from the brief, that really inspired us for the film:

- Rocket Learning uses games and activities to engage children and parents in the learning process

- Sometimes Indian mothers don’t believe in their ability or skills to teach their kids

So we decided to create a surreal but fun situation where a genius girl answers impossible math questions using a game her mother taught her. Using the principle of the exaggeration to establish the concept that help mother can give you as a child, makes you incredible for your whole life.