Homework Sticker Packs


Young Entry Asset





The focus of Anganwadi Centres was the health and nutrition of children in India. With the "Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi" (Nutrition with Education) program, education has gained prominence, and today these places also provide the necessary resources for early childhood education. Nevertheless, Anganwadi Centres are seen only as food centers and not educational ones. How can we change this perception?

Describe the creative idea

Homework as you know it will completely change. That's because it will move away from paper and transform into sticker packs on one of the most widely used apps in India: WhatsApp. This way, children will continue learning, free of charge, with Anganwadi and further develop with their parents. Each created pack will correspond to a specific class and the weekly assignment. Just get in touch with Rocket Learning's ChatBot, acquire the pack sent by the Bot, and start the lessons right there, receiving all the necessary assistance.

Describe the strategy

The best way to know that your child is truly studying in an Anganwadi is by studying with them. Bringing all the parents to the centres is practically unfeasible. Traditionally, one way to assess child development is through homework. However, parents often face difficulties or lack time and interest. Let's make it much more engaging by conducting activities within one of the most downloaded apps by Indians: WhatsApp. According to Mobile Time, "WhatsApp is the top social media platform in India, with 81.2% of internet users between 16 and 64 years old".

To make the experience even more enjoyable, the lessons are conducted through WhatsApp stickers. A native feature of the platform and fully shareable. Each centres class will have its sticker pack corresponding to the lesson of the week.

Describe the execution

On Rocket Learning's own social media platforms, we will announce the news: homework has gone from paper to WhatsApp stickers.

Parents of students will acquire the sticker pack for their child's class through Rocket Learning's ChatBot, right on WhatsApp. To add the RocketBot, simply visit the Rocket Learning website. When engaging with the Bot, it will send the link that leads to the Sticker.Ly platform, where the sticker pack can be downloaded and added to the user's profile.

Once the homework sticker pack is downloaded, parents and children can start the activities right there in the conversation. The RocketBot will send the questions, and the answers should be sent as stickers. The Bot itself will evaluate the child's performance. Producing stickers is easy and completely free. And the best part: it is highly shareable, both among parents whose children are already students of Anganwadi Centres and those who are not.